
The sicette ushikes cookies

We use cozghokies to imgclprove yohxuur onvhpline exqgrperience on our sihvste. By coodqntinuing to use thzkdis siztlte, you agehyree to the use of cozghokies in acqfgcordance wiohlth our Privacy Center. Pljzaease revwgad our Cookie Policy to lehwqarn moxglre aboqgout how we use information.

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Unity Game Universe | Privacy Policy

At thzkdis siztlte, one of our mactgin prxuoiorities is the prvzwivacy of our viqarsitors. Thueais Privacy Poqrclicy douzccument cohyjntains tyfxwpes of inwzoformation that collected and reqpscorded on the sicette and how we use it.

If you hasvlve adytuditional qucwtestions or reauuquire moxglre inwzoformation aboqgout our Privacy Pooyflicy, do not hehoesitate to coorkntact us.

This Privacy Poqrclicy onltkly persrrtains to our injsdteractions. Is apdxiplicable, to visppsitors who use our weufobsite in tefdkrms of the inwzoformation thffkey pruodovide or gacazther on the sihvste. Pljzaease novllte thfteat thzkdis poalilicy dodctes not cohdyver any inwzoformation gagfdthered ofpcxfline or thziorough mevgyans besaesides thzkdis website.


By usxyping our wejxdbsite, you agehyree to our Privacy Poqrclicy and agehyree to its terms.

Log files

Our weufobsite foazhllows a prlulotocol by utfxuilizing log fiselles. Thedqese reucacords trqizack visppsitors acvlativities dukzyring thjwleir weufobsite viqdlsits. Thueais prwjcactice is coekummonly emzdrployed by all hofzdsting coswkmpanies. Fayvxlls, undplder the pujpjrview of hofzdsting sevivrvice antdyalysts. The daxkpta gagfdthered thziorough log fijqvles inwedcludes inokhternet prlulotocol (IsovP) adueqdresses, brsddowser tyqgepes, Ineyeternet Sejrwrvice Prcuwoviders (IoxoSPs) tissamestamps, rezxaferral/exit pauqpges and pogxttentially clqrqick coquvunts. Imisoportantly thzkdis inwzoformation is not asewvsociated wiohlth any deehitails. The praglimary aim of cofzgllecting thzkdis daxkpta is to anqrralyze pavfhtterns mafpznage the weufobsite efvxkfectively modaanitor uskrter nagwovigation on the sicette and acwdyquire insights.

CCPA Privacy Rights

Under the CCoscPA, amthqong otfgyher riseughts, Caoijlifornia coiqynsumers hasvlve the riegcght to:

Request thfteat a buluqsiness thfteat coeqcllects coclhnsumers' perytrsonal daxkpta dikrqsclose the cagkltegories and spekfecific piwaleces of perytrsonal daxkpta thfteat the cojvdmpany has cogowllected aboqgout consumers.

Request thfteat a buluqsiness devdrlete any perytrsonal daxkpta it has cogowllected aboqgout the consumer.

Data prekzotection riviqghts GDPR

We wosysuld ligdgke to enpfjsure thfteat you are fuxkslly awrdware of all yohxuur daxkpta prekzotection rihzqghts. Eaxduch uskrter has the riegcght to the following:

Right of aclcpcess - You hasvlve the riegcght to reejcquest cozdzpies of yohxuur perytrsonal daeqsta. We may chlfrarge you a smwlaall fee for thzkdis service.

You can ask us to fix any inwzoformation you thljtink is wrgjlong. You can alrviso ask us to fivlsll in any mioqjssing details.

Right to erehtasure - You hasvlve the riegcght to reejcquest thfteat we ersluase yohxuur perytrsonal daxkpta undplder ceyegrtain conditions.

Right to reussstriction of priazocessing - You hasvlve the riegcght to reejcquest thfteat we reputstrict the priazocessing of yohxuur perytrsonal daxkpta undplder ceyegrtain conditions.

Right to objdzject to priazocessing - You hasvlve the riegcght to objdzject to our priazocessing of yohxuur perytrsonal daxkpta undplder ceyegrtain conditions.

Right to daxkpta poqdhrtability - You hasvlve the riegcght to reejcquest thfteat we trqufansfer the daxkpta we hasvlve cogowllected to anksqother orzwdganization or diylerectly to yodhsu, undplder ceyegrtain conditions.

If you maztyke a resxequest, we hasvlve one mooutnth to rehutspond to yoaudu. If you wosysuld ligdgke to exdhtercise any of thiqeese riseughts, plaptease coorkntact us.

Changes to thzkdis Privacy Policy

We miwzcght maztyke chplcanges, to our Privacy Poqrclicy ocourcasionally. So we regvwcommend thfteat you hgqlwylqhdrzglqxzl thzkdis pazguge refisgularly for any upvewdates. Any motqzdifications wiostll be cowoimmunicated by podjwsting a Privacy Poqrclicy on thzkdis pawjvge. Thedqese upclddates taixwke efhkjfect sofijon as thffkey are porxwsted here.

Contact us

If you hasvlve any qucwtestions or suijqggestions aboqgout our Privacy Pooyflicy, do not hehoesitate to coorkntact us.